Wat Sok Pa Luang i Vientiane

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Vientiane, Laos
Kontakter telefon: +856
Latitude: 17.9457176, Longitude: 102.6269596
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Kommentar 5

  • Clémentine Currat

    Clémentine Currat


    We went there for the massage and herbal sauna, and seriously if you’re a girl you should NOT go there :( we arrived and there were only men, really creepy, who told us they were gonna massage us while smiling a little bit too much and doing signs ... also, the place did not look cute and relaxing at all, it was a big mess, really noisy and dirty. Maybe we were unlucky ? Anyway, we went away pretty fast.

  • Andrew Schultz

    Andrew Schultz


    Nice place to walk around and talk to the monks. I helped them cut and pull a tree down until one of their dogs bit me on the back of the legs 😝. Had to head to hospital for a rabies shot but other than that I enjoyed walking around the place observing the monks lifestyles.

  • Tyler Peterson

    Tyler Peterson


    This place is a must stop whole in Vientiane. The meditation starts at 4 pm but come at 3 pm and you can speak with some monks for an hour, they are practicing their English so they will be happy to speak with you. The meditation class also did get to capacity so come early and speak with some monks and secure your seat. It's a great way to learn more about Laos from a local and learn more about Buddhism from a monk. There was so much I had wondered about how they live their lives and about Buddhism and many of my questions were answered. The meditation is free and they only ask for a donation. You will receive instruction on sitting meditation and walking meditation. The instruction will come before each type of meditation the instruction will take place and after the hour you can discuss your thoughts about meditation with the monks and also ask questions. They also handed out a small booklet that is a beginners guide to meditation for free. Definitely swing by while in Vientiane it's just two hours and definitely enjoyable. There is a massage and herbal sauna nearby we didn't go to it but I have heard good things.

  • Aurore Sutter

    Aurore Sutter


    Peacefull place where you can take part of meditation session (donation welcome) every Saturday from 4pm. You also can exchange with the monks before and after the session.

  • Lindsey Schmetterling

    Lindsey Schmetterling


    This is a beautiful temple, however the herbal sauna is not located inside the grounds of the monastery. See previous comments. And yes, the sauna is still open (1-5pm) and it's fantastic!

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