Scandinavian Bakery i Vientiane

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Rue Pangkham, Vientiane, LA Laos
Kontakter telefon: +856 21 215 199
Latitude: 17.9649932, Longitude: 102.6080832
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Kommentar 5

  • Shin Go

    Shin Go


    お店の人の対応良かった。 生サーモンサンドイッチは大きすぎてどうやって食べたらよいか分からなかった。

  • Koncz Vivien

    Koncz Vivien


    Cozy place, great products and affordable prices. Cinnamon bagel and banana smoothie were delicious. They have a big selection of pastries. Would definitely go back there again:-)

  • Jaemin Byun

    Jaemin Byun


    Just had a large Chicken Sandwich. Now I have a large belly, barely able to take breath that I had to loose a notch on the belt. Had a regular size ham and cheese sandwich awhile back. Didn't fill me up completely then. Took a pleasure on carrot cake after. I mistaken that I could do a pastry piece after sandwich... Sometimes the eye takes a bigger bite then your stomach can handle. ㅋㅋㅋ

  • Sky Aulita

    Sky Aulita


    Awesome egg/ham/cheese sandwich. Hard roll it's made with is awesome and not too much bread. Beware when ordering coffee, they'll serve you a mug of straight espresso. Ain't nobody need that much caffeine

  • Tony Nicol

    Tony Nicol


    Good HOT coffee and a super range of freshly baked goodies. A sunny area on ground level, maybe too hot in summer and close to the road, which is however, relatively quiet. Upstairs is a balcony, comfortable indoor area and toilets. Toilets are clean and functional. Free WiFi reasonable speed. English spoken, staff polite and friendly.

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