Lao Silk Hotel i ວຽງຈັນ

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Rue Francois Ngin, ວຽງຈັນ, LA Laos
Kontakter telefon: +856 21 213 976
Latitude: 17.9647932, Longitude: 102.6044498
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Kommentar 5

  • Julian Hill

    Julian Hill


    Very good and clan budget hotel. Good Aircon and central location. Restaurants outside

  • Jyunko H.

    Jyunko H.


    部屋はちょっと狭いけど、立地も良くホテルの朝食が美味しいです。 近隣に美味しいカフェやレストランが多く毎回の食事が楽しいです。 周辺にはかわいい雑貨屋さんも多いので女子旅にも使えるかも。 水回りも清潔で、スタッフも親切。

  • kazuhiro tsuji

    kazuhiro tsuji


    一年ぶりの宿泊。 この間に経営者が変わったらしく、スタッフも変わってました。 ホテルの部屋、サービスなどは変わらないが、雰囲気は以前の方が良かった。

  • Yohe Kawaguchi

    Yohe Kawaguchi


    部屋に入ったら、かなり大きいゴキブリに遭遇。直ぐに部屋を変えてくれたのは良かった。 5階まであるが、リフトが無いのは残念。 最初の印象が悪いので、評価は二つ星。

  • Luke Roblesky

    Luke Roblesky


    Very friendly staff and great location considering the price. I stayed here for two nights while doing a Thai visa run. The location was ideal for me--within walking distance of many restaurants and the night market, and about a 15 minute walk to the Thai Consulate. The room however could use some renovations and a thorough sanitation. It seemed like things were just barely holding together, and it was obvious that no more than minimal room cleaning had been done for a long time. Being 6'5" I see things that the average person misses, and there was no shortage of cobwebs, dust etc... in higher up places. Last piece of advice: avoid the Tuktuk drivers in this city at all costs unless you want to get ripped off.

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