Lao Silk Hotel i ວຽງຈັນ

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Rue Francois Ngin, ວຽງຈັນ, LA Laos
Kontakter telefon: +856 21 213 976
Latitude: 17.9647932, Longitude: 102.6044498
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Kommentar 5

  • Ashley Balogh

    Ashley Balogh


    It was a short stay during the Chinese New Year and most hotels were booked and everyone bumped up their prices. This hotel although a bit far from the downtown was beautiful. Huge room great staff and quiet.

  • Julian Hill

    Julian Hill


    Very good and clan budget hotel. Good Aircon and central location. Restaurants outside

  • Plus Lab

    Plus Lab


    Simple, clean, nice hotel.. friendly staff

  • margaret tan

    margaret tan


    Rooms are big, good size bedroom with good hot shower. 5 minutes walk to the night market We had the front room, it was a mistake, traffic noise non stop cuz the hotel is closed the the main busy street, we hardly had a good night sleep. Don’t waste your money on the B’fast, you can get better food else where. Owner is very helpful and friendly.

  • Luke Roblesky

    Luke Roblesky


    Very friendly staff and great location considering the price. I stayed here for two nights while doing a Thai visa run. The location was ideal for me--within walking distance of many restaurants and the night market, and about a 15 minute walk to the Thai Consulate. The room however could use some renovations and a thorough sanitation. It seemed like things were just barely holding together, and it was obvious that no more than minimal room cleaning had been done for a long time. Being 6'5" I see things that the average person misses, and there was no shortage of cobwebs, dust etc... in higher up places. Last piece of advice: avoid the Tuktuk drivers in this city at all costs unless you want to get ripped off.

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