Kualao Restaurant i Vientiane

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Rue Samsenthai, Vientiane, LA Laos
Kontakter telefon: +856 21 215 777
Hjemmeside: www.kualaorestaurant.com
Latitude: 17.964823, Longitude: 102.610448
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Kommentar 5

  • Daniel Ferras

    Daniel Ferras


    High quality Lao food experience. The taster was really good. Wish I asked for it spicier. The local Lao music and dance was a nice touch.

  • Andrea Wang

    Andrea Wang



  • 바코리샨



    라오스음식을 먹고싶다먼 이 식당을 추천드리겟습니다, 외국인들에게 입맛에 맞는 집이지만, 설령 진정한 현지인 음식을 맛보고싶다면 다른식당으로 가시길 바랍니다, 저는 현지인식음식이 더 좋아서 보통으로 드리겠습니다. 그래도 다양한 메뉴들과 혹시나해서 화장실이 문제이신분은 편리하고 깔끔하다고 말씀드리겠습니다, 음료와, 밀크쉐이크,망고쉐이크,각종 과일 음료가 있으니 참고하셔도 되겠습니다

  • Cláudia Correia

    Cláudia Correia


    A tourist trap no doubt but a good opportunity to hear Laos traditional music and have a meal in a quite nice atmosphere and colonial style place. We choose the premium set menu, one set was enough for 2 and it was super nice to be able to try a little of Laos most traditional food. For dessert we choose the banana flambé, so yummy. Too bad I didn’t have the guts to eat any of the seasonal dishes.

  • aline v

    aline v


    The food was good. Some dishes better than other similar places but some were just okay. Service was good and decor is traditional colonial Lao I would say. The place is a little crowded but it has a warm feel. We mostly appreciated the music and dance. If you're looking for a place to take visitors for an evening of Lao immersion this is a good pick.

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