Kouvieng Pet Shop i Vientiane

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Khouvieng Road, Vientiane, LA Laos
Kontakter telefon: +856 20 55 236 863
Hjemmeside: www.facebook.com
Latitude: 17.9602994, Longitude: 102.6185489
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Kommentar 5

  • Adam Knight

    Adam Knight


    They will try and sell you a mutt claiming it's a pedigree... if you wait around enough you can choose a mutt puppy for free really very often here.

  • Sushigsbgzv



    Never buy dogs or any animals here I bought a Siberian husky 2 months a few days ago and the first week we bought it it had parvovirus the people who work there obviously don't care about the animals health only money and also my husky is at the vet and staying there for a week and 50 out of 50 percent die

  • NUNU K.N

    NUNU K.N



  • Al Choobilsky

    Al Choobilsky


    Don't buy in any of those pet shops, they have very poor reputation. Our pet died within weeks because of genetic defects. Ask in any vet clinic, if you look for a pet; they will help you. I recommend the International Animal Doctors

  • Khampaseuth VONGSAKIT

    Khampaseuth VONGSAKIT


    ໝາແມວກະຕ່າຍນົກ ສາລະພັດສັດ

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