Chokdee Café Belgian Beer Bar i Vientiane

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Quai Fa Ngum, Vientiane, LA Laos
Kontakter telefon: +856 21 263 847
Latitude: 17.9630719, Longitude: 102.6058379
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Kommentar 5

  • Grant Kimberlin

    Grant Kimberlin


    Wish it was better. If you're stuck in Vientiane, God help you, it eould be a great regular place but objectively kinda meh overall. Hit it up for a good beer or two and then hit cheap beer lao along the river

  • Etienne Boucher

    Etienne Boucher


    Good Belgian beer in a Belgian atmosphere. Love the comics paraphernalia! Quite unexpected in Laos! The beers are expensive, but there was a 2 for 1 special. French speaking staff.

  • Cynthia Cutler

    Cynthia Cutler


    A dozen Belgium beers on tap and many more in bottles. Open air downstairs steps away from the night market. Enjoyed a generous serving of duck, a burger, and 3 beers for about $35 USD.

  • Sylvia Smith

    Sylvia Smith


    We had 2 delicious meals here, yes, we had to come back, as one meal wasn't enough!! And quite a few glasses of some amazing beers. It was a great, fun, cafe! Tell Tin-Tin and Snowy we said hey!

  • Jessie Jenks

    Jessie Jenks


    Great place for dinner. Especially if you're planning to indulge in many, unique drinks - they have such a fine, and wide selection. The seafood is fresh and accompanies well. No parking place, but near the Mekong. The reason why I gave it a three star rating is because it can be very noisy; my father and I have visited twice and on both occasions we had to raise our voices a little louder than we would usually. The decoration is tin-tin based, so the place is far from dull. Good to get there around 7 before it fills up.

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