ນໍ້າພຸ i Vientiane

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ຖະໜົນປາງຄຳ, Vientiane, LA Laos
Kontakter telefon: +856 20 58 586 464
Latitude: 17.9646069, Longitude: 102.60804
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Kommentar 5

  • BoonChin Tan

    BoonChin Tan


    Vientiane's famous Kilometer Zero. Was a bus station in the past, but has been converted into a small park with a fountain. In 2016, city hall privatised the area and a company added restaurants along its perimeter and made renovations to the fountain. That didn't work out well and now in 2021, it has been converted into a skate park. A restaurant serves the patrons of the skate park and has been quite popular. Let's hope it can continue to flourish overtime.

  • L3n4



    Fountain in Namphou park, still quiet not like before lockdown.

  • Maxwell McEachern

    Maxwell McEachern


    It’s a really cool spot. There are a few restaurants and live music. There’s seems to be a night club here as well.

  • Vincent Oliver

    Vincent Oliver


    A pleasant area around the illuminated fountain, with a few restaurants, lounges and live music in the evenings. It's usually quiet. A pity because it's a place with great social potential

  • Vasanth Kumar

    Vasanth Kumar


    Next to IBIS hotel it is a nice place for couple of drinks, Thai, Japanese and steaks dinner options available . Very nice fountain with dazzling lights in the middle and live music some times (I am not sure about the timings but I witnessed the live music). There is a small kids area that makes this place more family friendly. Love this place 😊😊

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