Texas Chicken Thatluang i Vientiane

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Vientiane, Laos
Kontakter telefon: +856 21 417 326
Hjemmeside: www.facebook.com
Latitude: 17.975762, Longitude: 102.632668
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Kommentar 5

  • Vasanth Kumar

    Vasanth Kumar


    In a very nice location and tasty chicken.

  • Ind Voyager

    Ind Voyager


    If you love chicken then u will surely like this place... and also they have recently added two more items to their menu card by taking care of local taste... Also to keep engage your small kids they have small painting area to keep your small one busy along with two big teddies at the entrance.

  • Worawit Temsuwanpanich

    Worawit Temsuwanpanich


    Just a grab and go for a burger and 3 fried chicken. Quality of food is higher than average of fast food in general.

  • Rakesh O

    Rakesh O


    Better than the other similar restaurants offering burgers and wraps. Good for a quick bite!

  • Jonathan Deller

    Jonathan Deller


    Had a really great time here with my son, who loves the chicken. We went sightseeing at the temple opposite and were really surprised to see a Texas Chicken in this location. The quality is top notch and you get free wi-fi.

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