Muong Thanh Luxury Vientiane Hotel i Ban Phon Kheng

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Bourichane Road, Phonsinouan Village, Sisattanak District, Ban Phon Kheng 00856, Laos
Kontakter telefon: +856 21 998 999
Latitude: 17.9650619, Longitude: 102.6281639
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Kommentar 5

  • Owasiul Islam

    Owasiul Islam


    Good place. They have a great restaurant at the top but they don't circulate this information. If they do I believe they will get more guest only for that restaurant.

  • Michael Son

    Michael Son


    very nice place. kindly step.

  • GK P

    GK P


    Enjoyable peaceful stay. Large clean rooms. Quiet on the 25th floor. The river view is mostly a city view as the hotel is not close to the Mekong, but you can observe the sunset in the hazy skies of Vientiane. The hotel is not near the tourist areas but very close to the Thai Consulate (4 min walk), so I didn't have to negotiate with arrogant taxi or tuk tuk drivers that overcharge by 100% or more to get to the consulate from the city center. There's a convenience store nearby and a couple of cafes. Cafe Sinouk was my favorite. I recommend eating there. Its cheaper and faster than the hotel restaurant and the food is good and the coffee is excellent. The hotel mainly caters to tour groups but since the hotel is so big you only encounter them in the reception area as they are checking in or out. Recommend eating breakfast at 08:30 as most of the groups have left to go on their trip by then so the buffet is less crowded. If you need to go to the city center, the hotel will call a taxi for you but it's not really a taxi but a local driver who is Vietnamese. The challenge is getting back to the hotel as taxis are rarely seen on the road. They mostly gather at the tourist hot spots. The hotel staff is very nice and helpful and you can tell that they are trying hard to ensure the customers enjoy their stay. As we were leaving for the airport, the concierge ran after the car because we forgot a role of packing rope, which only cost about $1. He was a very fast runner.

  • Dung Pham Van

    Dung Pham Van


    Modern hotel between newly urbanised area. Good view of Vientiane from upper stairs

  • josh patyal

    josh patyal


    Great newly built hotel me and my wife stayed here for 3 days, big and clean rooms with great interiors. Everything was top notch. Restaurant was great, bar on the 25th floor had an amazing view. The only problem is although the staff is very friendly they don't understand Lao very well or speak english. The hotel is owned by a viatnamese company therefore 90% of the staff is viatnamese and they have hard time understanding their customers, but they try their best to make your stay convenient. My suggestion to the management would be to hire some local Lao employees who can speak Lao and english fluently, just makes it easier for everyone.

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