Rashmi's The Plaza Vientiane i Vientiane

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KM 3, Thaduea Road, Ban Buengkhayong-Tai, Sisattanak District, Vientiane, Laos
Kontakter telefon: +856 21 315 088
Hjemmeside: www.rashmishotel.com
Latitude: 17.9428207, Longitude: 102.6187849
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Kommentar 5

  • Dave Chalke

    Dave Chalke


    A little out of town but the shuttle service helps. Quite run down which is a shame as it could be a great place to stay. The pool was good but out of five sunbeds only was was not broken. The saving grace was the staff, friendly, helpful and faultless.

  • Missy cahill

    Missy cahill


    For 50,000 kip you get to use the pool on the rooftop and enjoy the blistering hot sunshine. Great value and you can get food and drinks too.

  • Tess S

    Tess S


    Service needs some work but a good place to hangout and the Indian food is really good would give it 3 1/2 stars if I could

  • 성평강



    시내와 거리가 멀지만 숙소의 퀄리티가 그것을 압도하고 직원들의 친절도 매우좋아서 추천합니다!!

  • Jaemin Byun

    Jaemin Byun


    Very good management. Obvious time and efforts invested by the owner. Rooftop good for wine and beer as well to hangout. Only there are no ample parking on premise. Bit of risk leaving the car on street. I did not posted any pics taken cause enough pics uploaded by owner or staffs. Too many pics overlap. Posted very same pictures by different people. Cluttered!

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