Patuxay Park i Vientiane

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Vientiane, Laos
Kontakter telefon: +856
Latitude: 17.9723617, Longitude: 102.6203652
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Kommentar 5

  • Lorraine Smith

    Lorraine Smith


    Beautiful monument with fountains, gift shops, and great views

  • Eric Grimaldi

    Eric Grimaldi


    Enjoy walking around Patuxai Park when around.. Its main infrastructure based on the French Arc de Triomphe is worth visiting in, out and around..

  • Bright Adu Abroquah

    Bright Adu Abroquah


    Very nice scene of the capital city

  • Dm Pl

    Dm Pl


    Nothing bad, nothing very much good. In general good small spot to spend a little time and make a few photos. Fountains around. Recommended to visit at least once, and this place kind in the center and hard to miss. Also nice big timbrel there you can try to hit.)

  • Robert Campbell

    Robert Campbell


    Neat place to visit and get a great view of the city. The history surrounding the monument is also quite unique. At various times of day there can be quite a number of tourists, but worth a visit. Not all places at Patuxay are handicap accessible, but can still be enjoyed.

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