ME SHOP i Vientiane

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Khun Bu Lom Road, 01000, Vientiane, LA Laos
Kontakter telefon: +856 20 77 709 642
Latitude: 17.9671986, Longitude: 102.6023768
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Kommentar 5

  • Malcolm Swaine

    Malcolm Swaine


    They helped me get my phone set up with 4g straight away

  • Kiet Kind

    Kiet Kind


    I went there for a wall plug as I forgot mine in a transit hotel in KLIA2. I was quite surprised at how expensive it was. 270000KIP which roughly works out to be $45AUD. The same wall plug would have cost me a lot less even in Australia, I'm guessing tech is expensive in Laos.On the plus side there was a younger gentleman who spoke some english and he helped me quickly though i dont think the store caters to english speaking foreigners as the other two staff spoke little to no english. The prices were clearly labeled which is always good as i hate having to haggle when the prices aren't shown and the shop owner pulls a number out of thin air depending on their mood. All in all a good experience but overpriced for what i got

  • Xayyakone Phetsila

    Xayyakone Phetsila


    Good place to buy iPhone and Apple accessories in Vientiane

  • Jordi M S

    Jordi M S


    Simcards available for 20.000kip with 1.5GB for one week. The staff is very helpful and speaks English.

  • hannah rogers

    hannah rogers


    Got a SIM card here. 10k for the card and 10k for the data. One of the guys spoke great english. Also bought a case for my phone! Great deals

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