Major Platinum Cineplex By Huawei i Vientiane

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Vientiane, Laos
Kontakter telefon: +856 21 228 090
Latitude: 17.9623409, Longitude: 102.6182394
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Kommentar 5

  • Fuyato



    Kind of nice, even if it's in english you will have the Thai or Lao sub which may ruin your experiance..... But the rest is nice

  • Sayaphone Bounsouk

    Sayaphone Bounsouk


    All of services are pretty good, staff are friendly and welcoming... nice place for movie lovers

  • Goxploration Travel Guide

    Goxploration Travel Guide


    It is not noise like other majors in other countries. It is good place

  • Condominium Wassanachotikul

    Condominium Wassanachotikul


    i’ve been here several times and it’s surprisely better than my expectation. the price is good too. the service here is kinda good as well. i would say the best in vientien.

  • Claire Clarins

    Claire Clarins


    The customer service is the worst! Manager please train your counter personnel to be more polite and attentive to the customers! The Thai major cineplex customer service is so so so so much better!!!

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