Liaoning Dumpling Chinese Restaurant @ Mekong River i Vientián

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Vientián, Laos
Kontakter telefon: +856 21 254 811
Latitude: 17.9641933, Longitude: 102.6017562
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Kommentar 5

  • Alexander Shlotov

    Alexander Shlotov


    Delicious Chinese restaurant with taste and full of juice meals. Good price and big size portion. Eclectic design and quick cooking. I order vegetarian dumplings and it was awesome. Menu translated to 4 languages.

  • k2 s

    k2 s


    餃子は旨い!サービスは低い! 2階からはナイトマーケットが見えます。

  • Gunhee Lee

    Gunhee Lee


  • Tapan Bhargava

    Tapan Bhargava


    Decent food, but they have a major dirty/sewage water problem on the street outside the restaurant.

  • artisticenator



    The food was delicious. True traditional northern Chinese cuisine. The reason I give this establishment 1 star, is because of the owner/management. He was extremely unprofessional. The owner, as it turns out, was yelling repeatedly at his female worker who was working the hostess desk and being the cashier. Making her very emotional and crying. It was completely disruptive of the atmosphere and who treats their employees like this? Everyone had to stop eating each time. It really made me loose my appetite. I am from Chicago and I had a friend from Switzerland with me. We just stared at each other in utter disbelief. Continuing our conversation was futile until he stopped yelling. And that is a shame, because the food is delicious. You would think he would pull her aside in private and speak to her, instead of shouting and yelling and throwing a childish fit in front of all the paying patrons. Customers were coming up to her on their way out, trying to make her feel better, and he just kept making a scene. Good thing the nightly street market is right outside its doors, with a lot more delicious options to choose from, without the horrible behavior and awkwardness. Plus there are plenty of other Chinese restaurants in Vientiane to choose from. I apologize for such a long post, but I feel very strongly about writing this review to spread awareness of how this man treats his workers with no respect. I will take my business elsewhere and I hope he learns a lesson or two of how to treat other fellow human beings, no matter how upset you are.

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