Lao Bowling Center i Vientiane

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Rue Le Ky Huong, Vientiane, LA Laos
Kontakter telefon: +856
Latitude: 17.9686318, Longitude: 102.6093326
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Kommentar 5

  • Linus



    Time stoped here 20 Years ago. Nevertheless everything works. One round costst 11.000kip, and you can play in your own shoes or even barfoot. Pool & Snooker is 30.000kip/ game. The tabels are in a playable condition.

  • Souvick Bhattacharjee

    Souvick Bhattacharjee


    A good passtime in Laos as there is not much to do here except going to the Mekong river front or visiting Patuxay monument

  • Alison Critchett

    Alison Critchett


    Very friendly staff and fun atmosphere. The equipment is older but don't let that get in the way of having a good time.

  • Andrew Fraser

    Andrew Fraser


    Fairly basic and quite old tech. Balls are all chipped but it was still good fun!

  • David Bengtsson

    David Bengtsson


    Great place for the cheapest rounds of bowling you will ever play. Bowling shoes are included in the 13000 kip fare per game. Seems to be a popular place for locals.

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