Lachmi Store i Vientiane

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007, Dongpalane Rd, Vientiane, Vientiane 01160, Laos
Kontakter telefon: +856 21 216 174
Latitude: 17.964036, Longitude: 102.619564
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Kommentar 5

  • Lovelie Tolentino

    Lovelie Tolentino


    If you're looking for a variety of glassware, kitchen utensils and smart products for your smart home drop by at Lachmi Store, a one stop shop with quality products at affordable prices.




    Great variety and quality products with the best sales service, definitely my choice of one stop shop.

  • Jay Wadhwani

    Jay Wadhwani


    recently, i bought some crystal glassware and showpieces from this store. They have a variety of household and hotel products with excellent quality and best price.

  • Pooja Mohinani

    Pooja Mohinani


    We have recently opened an Indian restaurant Delhi Durbar in Vientiane . Most of our kitchen & restaurant supplies have been bought from Lachmi Store. Its was a one stop shop for most of our cookware , fry pans , sauce pans , kitchen cutlery ,silver ware, storage boxes,chafer dishes, bartending supplies . They have an excellent range of glasses too .

  • Tejas Natekar

    Tejas Natekar


    lots of variety of glassware available at the store. Great service, excellent support & customer satisfaction. Goods ordered, frequent follow ups, status of order, delivered on time.

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