Kouvieng Fried Chicken (KFC) i Vientiane

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Vientiane, Laos
Kontakter telefon: +856
Latitude: 17.9503457, Longitude: 102.6227908
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Kommentar 5

  • Defago Chanthalavong

    Defago Chanthalavong


    This is the best fried chicken you can get in Vientiane! Or maybe even in the universe! The restaurant was a bit Lao style so expect no aircond. Lunch time and evening time are the most crowded.

  • Pornchai Supnithi

    Pornchai Supnithi


    This place has the specialty of crunchy fried chickens. A longtime favorite place in Viantiane.

  • Settha Phiavong

    Settha Phiavong


    this is the best fried chicken of Vientiane that I ever visit. The teats is so good especially when you eat with pepsi or coke. But i'm not recommend you to try papaya salad here because teats not good.

  • Robert Campbell

    Robert Campbell


    The fries are inexpensive, and very tasty. It's a very popular place, and can be identified by che many motorbikes in front.

  • Peter Labuschagne

    Peter Labuschagne


    Best chicken in the world, tasty and excellent service, almost no waiting and friendly staff. It's an excellent place to frequent!!!

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