D⭐️Mart超市 i Vientiane

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🕗 Åbningstider

Vientiane, Laos
Kontakter telefon: +856
Latitude: 17.9621043, Longitude: 102.6217823
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Kommentar 5

  • r e s

    r e s


    Big store with a wide variety of items. Everything from food to furniture.

  • Alberto Martin Huertas

    Alberto Martin Huertas


    Good price, clean and well organised.

  • David Kim

    David Kim


    Its a good place to buy furnitures, daily life needs, and normal groceries, but if you need rare ingredients, cooking tools, or other rare things, no. You can sometimes think, why is this not here? It should be! There are book shelves, tables, desks, chairs, sofas, and even couches. But do not dome hre in serch of rareness.

  • Vanessa Nambiar

    Vanessa Nambiar


    It's quite nice but there are a lot of things that you would want but not be able to find there. Some things are very expensive too.

  • Brendan Pont

    Brendan Pont


    Great variety of western and Chinese goods. A couple of times a year shipment comes in from Canada that has organic soy milk, oats and other Canadian goodies. You need to be quick though as they go fast

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