COPE Visitor Centre i Vientiane

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Boulevard Khou Vieng, Vientiane, Laos
Kontakter telefon: +856 21 241 972
Latitude: 17.95775, Longitude: 102.620372
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Kommentar 5

  • Pamela Stakem

    Pamela Stakem


    They obviously do great work but I think they could sell themselves more. Most tourists don't mind paying extra for an item if the money is going to a charity. There was very little to buy here and the coffee bar did not have a great selection. Worth a visit just to see the great work they do.

  • Robert



    This is a great place to visit! It's free if you go alone or for a small fee a man named jack will guide you thru with details that you won't get any other way

  • Joana Pedroso

    Joana Pedroso


    One of the highlights of my stay in Vientiane. Creative, interesting, engaging, emotional exhibition that will leave you feeling connected to this country in deeper way. Do watch one of the many documentaries, leave a donation (entry is free), take your time and let it sink in. You can easily walk there from the center (30 min) or take a tuktuk (20000 kip).

  • Joana Pedroso

    Joana Pedroso


    One of the highlights of my stay in Vientiane. Creative, interesting, engaging, emotional exhibition that will leave you feeling connected to this country in deeper way. Do watch one of the many documentaries, leave a donation (entry is free), take your time and let it sink in. You can easily walk there from the center (30 min) or take a tuktuk (20000 kip).

  • Jack Taylor

    Jack Taylor


    Absolutely make a visit to here. It's a powerful message of the struggle that Laos has had and continues to have who the unexploded ordinance dropped during the secret war. The centre now uses its expertise to help all citizens with disabilities. It's wonderful to see the positive impact they have on the thousands of people in need.

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