AVIS by Asia Vehicle Rental i Vientiane

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Rue Setthathirath, Vientiane, Laos
Kontakter telefon: +856 21 223 867
Hjemmeside: www.avis.la
Latitude: 17.965667, Longitude: 102.605128
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Kommentar 5

  • .com bestkakaku

    .com bestkakaku


    Terrible service! Never use it again! Experienced a nightmare rental car service. AVIS never let customer pick up the car at vientiane airport, they have no office and no rental car at airport. They took me to their office far away from airport and let me wait at their office 1 hour to wait the rental car. When processing the paper work, the old white man(manage?) dropped my credit card on the ground, so bad manner! AVIS rent me a bad quanlity car with trouble engine, I endured many days of unpleasant driving. I can say AVIS vientiane is a so terrible company. Not only Vientiane, but also other cities and other countries, I never use AVIS again !

  • Janno Poom

    Janno Poom


    Milage limit is stupid

  • Shannon Speight

    Shannon Speight


    Vientiane branch was very friendly and accomodating but Car broke down half way through our journey and had to waste two hours of vacation time. Called all the branches and noone answered. Had to pay out of pocket for battery to be replaced. When car dropped off in Luang Prabang branch, they were not sympathetic to our issue and did not want to compensate us for any stress. Eventually they agreed to compensate us but in the mean time our car was illegally parked.(which they saw when we pulled up and didnt mention we had to move it). Police came and towed the car. We then had to drive to police station and pay a parking fee out of our pocket. Very displeased with the company in Luang Prabang and would not recommend their services.

  • Sopheak Meas

    Sopheak Meas


    Very friendly staff members and readily happy to answer your questions. Been very satisfied with their services. They have mostly new, well-maintained vehicles.

  • Peter Temby

    Peter Temby


    Excellent service from the staff and the owner, The vehicle was in excellent condition and performed perfectly. The vehicle was very very clean and a pleasure to pick up. I would strongly recommend Asia Vehicle Rentals compared to other rental companies i have used in Laos previously.

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