Aroon Residence i Vientiane

Åben kort
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Vientiane, Laos
Kontakter telefon: +856 20 77 777 108
Latitude: 17.968681, Longitude: 102.613617
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Kommentar 5

  • derek hellinga

    derek hellinga


    now called Lalco AR hotel. Gated hotel and arrived 1:00am from bus station. Had booked cheapest room online. room was not great with view of breakfast area and no outside view. asked to be moved and moved to 2nd floor room with 2nd booking. good breakfast and good central location. staff friendly and helpful.

  • Ouphachay Thongsamouth

    Ouphachay Thongsamouth


    Good location and good wifi

  • Md Masud Rana

    Md Masud Rana


    Nice place to stay with reasonably good WiFi. Staff are polite and room rents are reasonable.

  • kim sunmi

    kim sunmi


    여행자 거리와는 조금 떨어져있으나 빠뚜싸이는 가까워요 내부시설은 오래되어 좋은 편은 아니지만 친절하고 깨끗해요

  • Kamran Khan

    Kamran Khan


    Very clean hotel and very courteous staff. We stayed for 4 days and enjoyed our stay to the full. Washroom is clean, has water pipe, toiletries etc. Situated in center of city. Halal food is available at "jamil zahid" at about 1km walk. Halal food is not available. No kettle in the room and one has to go to main dining hall for tea or coffee.

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