Thailand Embassy i Vientiane

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Avenue Kaysone Phomvihane, Vientiane, LA Laos
Kontakter telefon: +856 21 214 582
Latitude: 17.9740624, Longitude: 102.6222762
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Kommentar 5

  • Bernardas Ališauskas

    Bernardas Ališauskas


    This is NOT where they issue visas. You need Thai consulate which is 1 kilometer South of Thai embassy.

  • Paul Cachero

    Paul Cachero


    ( I need to return to Thailand because I neeed a ff-up checkup at Wattana hospital. In fairness to this hospital, they took good care of me very well. ) At Thai consular office in Laos, I approached the staff with utmost politeness telling them about my condition and if there is queue for people with sickness or disabilty, they told me to wait for my turn. Still lacks touch of customer service. Must treat people with different conditions on a case to case basis.

  • David Merralls

    David Merralls


    Get there Earlier than you're advised. Do not buy a Form outside from the jokers for 100 bht +. Forms are free inside. And try not going on a Monday morning, as there are large numbers including big Group Tours. Have fun, Chok Dee krap....

  • Xer Amoranto

    Xer Amoranto


    2nd exit for visa run that took about 2 days dated June 20, 2017 processing is commendable. accommodation is average. had a chance to explore the city

  • Kyle Taylor

    Kyle Taylor


    This is where they issue visas....not the Embassy. 830-1130 is only for applying 1:30-430 is only for collection...plan your flights accordingly. Awful, bring water, and sit up as close to the front as possible. If applying, show up early, I was there at 730am and there were already 250 people in front of me....mostly tour busses. Important to know that DO NOT GO TO THE THAI EMBASSY for visas, you must go to the Consulate on Bourichane street. For pick up, dont bother showing up early, they open at 130pm. I was number 248 and it took me 45 mins to finally get my visa. They do photocopying and pictures next to the embassy so dont waste time hunting for one of these places in Vientiane.

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