Mali Namphu Guest House Hotel i Vientiane

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114, Rue Pangkham, Vientiane, LA Laos
Kontakter telefon: +856 21 215 093
Latitude: 17.965448, Longitude: 102.60863
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Kommentar 5

  • Marcel Ribka

    Marcel Ribka


    Really nice service, the receptionist is so friendly, helpful and fluent in English. Definitely stay here if I visit Laos again

  • tharnphong pipat

    tharnphong pipat


    ห้องค่อนข้างเก่า ไม่ค่อยสะอาด สิ่งอำนวยความสะดวกในห้องใช้งานไม่ค่อยได้ ปลั๊กไฟมีน้อย (มีแค่ตรงหน้าประตูที่เดียว)

  • Czesław Rudy

    Czesław Rudy


    Super hotel. Dobre lokalizacja. Czysty przytulny hotel. Ładny basen. Dobra lokalizacja. Polecam




    A boutique hotel with great value indeed. If you have time you can spend a week here with your family. It is lovely to start your day by having breakfast in the court yard. If you have no knowledge of colonial buildings, this hotel shows you some features.The swimming pool is good for kids n sunbathing. Due to hot weather, sightseeing in the morning n evening, leisure time in the afternoon. A variety of bars n restaurants are within walking distance. Use Bahts is much more handy as the Kips are of no use upon departure from Laos.

  • Jonathan Chaney

    Jonathan Chaney


    A nicely located hotel with a pleasant atmosphere. I enjoyed my stay here. The hotel has a tropical feel to it and many plants are found on the premises. The fresh coffee and breakfast in the morning was a nice touch. My hot water heater was imperfect, but not too bad. Most importantly, I arrived deathly ill and they found me a room to check-into earlier than normal. Much appreciated.

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