Le Thatluang D'oR a Boutique Hotel by D Varee i Wientian

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Wientian, Laos
Kontakter telefon: +856 21 417 958
Hjemmeside: www.dvaree.com
Latitude: 17.9824933, Longitude: 102.637035
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Kommentar 5

  • Sofia McNamee

    Sofia McNamee


    A hidden gem in Vientiane! We loved every moment of our visit here, from the spacious and beautifully decorated rooms to the delicious breakfasts. The staff were very accommodating and so friendly, highly recommend this hotel for couples.

  • Casey Tolzman

    Casey Tolzman


    Beautifully designed hotel tucked in the middle of the neighborhood near That Luang. Despite that, it provides a peaceful and relaxing environment, and with shuttle vans going to the city the away-from-city-center location isn't much of an inconvenience. Service is excellent and the breakfast is also presented well and satisfying.




    직원들이 친절하고 조용한 환경에 내부 인테리어가 고급스럽다.

  • leman kalay

    leman kalay


    This place is full of lovely people who makes you feel like home. One of the best place that you can stay in Vientiane. If you have a scooter you don't need to worry about the location at all. It is super close if you have your own ride but also far enough from the center to have some peaceful moment. I love everything about this place!!! They even let us check out late without extra fee and we spent all afternoon by the pool. Lovely architecture that makes you feel like you are in a movie scene. Definitely wanna go back! Thanks to everyone who made our stay memorable! Kop Chai!🙏

  • Irena Marce

    Irena Marce


    We loved Le Thatluang D’oR for many reasons and we believe it’s the best choice resort in Vientiane! It was very clean, and, though we did have a duplex family suite, we think all the rooms had lots of space. The pool isn’t too big, and it’s pretty cold, but it’s very refreshing. The restaurant, Green Pepper, has a very good breakfast, including a daily soup and quality bread. The resort is also in a very good location. We loved this hotel and enjoyed it very much!

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