L'Adresse de Tinay Restaurant i Vientiane

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Benecam aparments. Bruce, Vientiane, LA Laos
Kontakter telefon: +856
Latitude: 17.965288, Longitude: 102.6034016
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Kommentar 5

  • alessandro x

    alessandro x


    Always great food, always nice owner. Prefect place for a romantic dinner

  • Brian Jacobson

    Brian Jacobson


    Good French food. Excellent prices for happy hour wines. We had one of their sets that was good. Cauliflower soup cappuccino style was excellent. Tilapia was good but rather bland. The chocolate crepe was fair. The quality of the chocolate was excellent. The crepe itself did not taste as though it was freshly made. Rather dry and tough. All in all I would return.

  • Vivien Bresson

    Vivien Bresson


    Nice French food but quite expensive and service a bit rushed. Wines except for house wine are quite pricy but good menu.

  • Jyn Ch'in

    Jyn Ch'in


    现代装修风格,比较随意的法餐馆。服务生很体贴,朋友给我拍照的时候一直等在旁边(Yeah you can judge, I don't care )。鉴于菜品,价位可以说适中。我们两人要了肉眼牛排、芝士和红酒,人均两百多rmb。 但有两点:室内有蚊子;牛排配的部分炸土豆不新鲜,可能是因为用了反复炸的油。 Attentive service, cozy and modernized decorations, depended on the menu I would say the price is moderate. But still have potential to improve. First, those mosquitos inside the house were quite annoying. Second, part of the side dish fried potatoes apparently used stale oil or something not fresh.

  • Connie Consumes

    Connie Consumes


    A pleasant but not particularly memorable meal at L'Adresse - the execution was mostly good, though there were some oddities in the dishes that just didn't work. The goat's cheese pastries were more like stingily-filled spring rolls, the cassoulet lacked the richness and comfort you'd normally expect and it came complete with a strange foam on top. Given the price and reputation, the dishes here need to be elevated somewhat!

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