Joma Bakery Café Phonthan i Vientiane

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Dongpaina Rd., Vientiane, Laos
Kontakter telefon: +856 21 454 663
Latitude: 17.957362, Longitude: 102.632131
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Kommentar 5

  • David Kim

    David Kim


    The foods there have the best quality, especially the Chicken Pesto Burger. Most of the food is for brunch. The juice and the dessert is perfect. It is a good place to stay and have a cup of coffee while working. The service is good, also the bathrooms.

  • Missy cahill

    Missy cahill


    Great staff and tasty sandwiches. Carrot cake is the best in the world.

  • Zak Malimar

    Zak Malimar


    Joma is well know in Laos for coffee and relaxing cafe for foreigners around the world who came to visit Laos. Have great food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Desert also very good here. Free internet and outdoor sitting also available.

  • Monnie Heminthavong

    Monnie Heminthavong


    3 hrs of internet per item purchased. Not bad coffee either. Hard difficult to find parking. Close to That Luang.

  • Pricha Petlueng

    Pricha Petlueng


    The first proper bakery with good bread in Vientiane. After changing hand, the name changed from Healthy and Fresh to Joma. The quality of their bekery is going strong.

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