Inter City Hotel i Vientiane

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24-25 Fa Ngum Road, Vientiane, Laos
Kontakter telefon: +856 21 242 842
Latitude: 17.964084, Longitude: 102.6021467
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Kommentar 5

  • JJ Jalonen

    JJ Jalonen


    Old style boutiqe hotel but close to action

  • Harvey Zakhar Lukyanenko

    Harvey Zakhar Lukyanenko


    Great views, hygienic, superb pot stickers(fried dumplings)!

  • Fredo Geneva

    Fredo Geneva


    Behind the faded facade and dirty windows of the hotel, the interior is charming old colonial style. I chose a deluxe room which is nicely decorated with carved wooden furniture, with balcony and views of the Mekong. But so overlooking the noisy road as well as the night market. The hotel is nearby to the very noisy BorPenNyang bar which closes at 1am. The standard rooms look out onto the back of the building which is quieter. Reception Ok. Wasteful installations that would merit investments (pierced bathroom, holed bedding, poorly secured electrical outlets, windows do not slide). Wifi very random on the 4th floor.

  • Tim Phillips

    Tim Phillips


    The lobby is quirky with many wooden Hindu and Buddhist carvings. Location is OK. There is a night market opposite the hotel which was going on till midnight. This would not have been a problem but the noise travelled through in to our bedroom and kept us up. The noise in the room really was a problem, not just from the market but from passing cars and motorbikes. It was like we had all the windows open. For the second night of our stay we asked to be moved in to a room at the back of the hotel even though it was a much smaller room. This was much quieter. The bathroom wasn't the cleanest and the bedding was going slightly grey. The hotel offered free breakfast with our stay. Breakfast was served in the restaurant next door also owned by the hotel. The breakfast was an omelette with a chicken sausage, a slice of ham and some lettuce and tomato. The service in the restaurant was dreadful. We ordered 2 beef steaks and when they came out one was pork. We asked them to change it but they didn't understand so I had to use many hand gestures to get them to understand. It took them an hour to clear the plates from the table and we were the only 2 people in the restaurant. Then they forgot about our dessert, twice, and we waited 2 hours for it. It wasn't too much of an issue as we were just passing time before our flight home but the staff didn't care at all and no apology was offered or probably even thought about. I understand that we can't expect everyone to speak English but not even the staff in the hotel understood us.

  • Stephen Huggard

    Stephen Huggard


    Clean. Perfect location. Feels a little dated. Would stay again

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