City Inn Vientiane i Vientiane

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Rue Pangkham, Vientiane, LA Laos
Kontakter telefon: +856 21 218 333
Latitude: 17.9670904, Longitude: 102.6101767
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Kommentar 5

  • Bosco Lobo

    Bosco Lobo


    Good quality Indian food..not many dishes but excellent quality. Quite place and cosy place, can eat with peace of mind. Very friendly staff..

  • makarand brahme

    makarand brahme


    Very well appointed five star hotel with best of the facilities of international standards and many restaurants to enjoy international food

  • Jeff Kao

    Jeff Kao


    Great location and friendly staff. Free beer on the house on arrival, nice.




    Good location. Price is moderate. Breakfast is really nice.

  • Ethan Tsai

    Ethan Tsai


    Location: Just a 5 minute walk from the main roads where coffee shops , restarants and pubs are. Very close to the Lao National Museum. Room: Uncarpeted floors and comfortable beds. Ambient color scheme. Bathroom includes showering area and bathtub. Staff: Friendly and helpful. Highly Recommended.

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